It's a Surprise Party
Bonnie Taylor Talbot is one of those people who has the soul of an artist and it is evident in everything she touches. For the past 15 years she's been painting and perfecting her own unique voice. Her paintings are delightful. They're colorful, and full of her own brand of humor. She frequently travels to France and Italy, taking her paints and canvasses along, returning to her Portland Oregon studio full of new ideas!
Her studio is spacious and full of light, wonderfully cluttered with not only the paints and canvasses of her trade, but all kinds of little collections of bits and pieces that speak Bonnie. Lots of works in progress and projects being explored just for the fun of it. There’s a healthy dose of whimsy in everything she creates!
Bonnie has a shop on
etsy, where she is a member of the juried
Artisans Gallery Team. You can visit her on etsy at
ipaintpictures.etsy.com. She also sells at
Convergence Gallery in New Mexico and on her
I've loved
Bonnie's work for a long time. Her paintings always make me smile, as does she!